Saturday 24 May 2014

Install Blufish editor in CentOS alternate to windows dreamweaver

  1. open file repository config in /etc/yum.repos.d/naulinux-school.repo:
    name=NauLinux School
  2. Install rpm  package bluefish
    # yum --enablerepo=naulinux-school install bluefish

Install ICECAST server in CENTOS for online streaming music & voice

What is Icecast?

Icecast is free software that allows you to stream audio over the Internet from you server. Icecast is compatible with Nullsoft’s Shoutcast.

Install Icecast

The simplest way to install Icecast is via yum. It’s quick and easy, and it’ll be manageable to maintain later. For this example, we’ll discuss installing Icecast on a CentOS server.
Note: This article involves installing software and editing files on the command line. If you’re unfamiliar with using the yum command, a text editor such as nano, or with working on the command line in general, check out this article on logging into your server as root or open a ticket in your ServInt customer portal and our team can complete a basic, unconfigured installation.
  1. Once you are logged into your server as root, the first thing to do is install the dependencies that are needed to run Icecast using the following command:
yum install curl-devel libtheora-devel libvorbis-devel libxslt-devel speex-devel
  1. Next, you need to grab the EPEL repo that matches your version of CentOS using one of these commands:
CentOS 6 (64 bit):
rpm -ivh
CentOS 6 (32 bit):
rpm -ivh
CentOS 5 (64 bit):
rpm -ivh
CentOS 5 (32 bit):
rpm -ivh
  1. And now you can install Icecast:
yum install icecast

Configure Icecast

Any custom configuration changes you want to make (such as admin password), can be made in the Icecast conf file:
In the past, you had to change the user that Icecast runs as as well as the logging directory. No more! By installing Icecast with yum, the user and logging folder are automatically created and setup. The user is ‘icecast’. The logging folder is: /var/log/icecast

Run Icecast

This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Make sure port 8000 is opened in your firewall and run Icecast with the following command:
icecast -c /etc/icecast.xml -b
Now you can test it by accessing: You will see a screen like this:

Auto-run/Add to system start up

In the event that your server is ever rebooted, you’ll want to make sure that Icecast automatically starts too. To do so, take that last command we used to run Icecast (above) a

Install chrome (chromium) in centos

Install Chromium Browser on CentOS 6.5 / Red Hat (RHEL) 6.5

1. Change root user

su -
## OR ##
sudo -i

2. Install/enable hughesjr Chromium EL 6 repository

cd /etc/yum.repos.d

3. Install Chromium Browser on CentOS 6 / RHEL 6

yum install chromium
and just open chromium in menu folder

How to install BleachBit 1.0 on CentOS 6:

Windows Operating System cleaning purpose we use ccleaner  in Linux CentOS we can use Bleachbit for cleaning temporoy files etc.

$ wget
$ rpm -i bleachbit-1.0-1.1.centosCentOS-6.noarch.rpm

now just open menu in beachbit

how to squid with ldap auth users and groups

                                 How to Proxy Server With LDAP Auth.

Follow this post to install samba with ldap support. I assuming you have configured ldap server for authenticate users in intranet with ip and your proxy server ip is On your proxy server should have direct internet connected with DSL or any modem or direct access to internet from firewall.

login to your linux server and follow the step by step guide.

root@proxy~] # ping   <---- this to check if internet is working
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=37.8 ms
root@proxy~]# yum install squid nss_ldap -y
root@proxy~]# cat /etc/squid/squid.conf > /etc/squid/squid.conf.bkp
root@proxy~]# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf (edit some lines as following)
#auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /usr/local/squid/etc/passwd <-comment this line No.274>
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -b "dc=server,dc=com" -f "uid=%s" -h -d -v 3  <-- This is for ldap auth>

##external_acl_type used for group authentication from ldap
external_acl_type ldapgroups %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_group -b "dc=yourdomain,dc=com" -f "(&(cn=%g)(memberUid=%u))" -h ldapserver
acl ldapgroup external ldapgroups squid <--Add this line after line 572. This is for group (squid) auth from ldap>
###deny all other user not in squid group####
http_access deny !ldapgroup

acl ldapauth proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow  ldapauth

To make sure your squid server talk to ldap server run the following command
 out put should similar like this if not some thing  went wrong.
[root@proxy ~]# /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -b "dc=server,dc=com" -f "uid=%s" -h -d -v 3  
username password

user filter 'uid=username', searchbase 'dc=yourdomain,dc=com'
attempting to authenticate user 'uid=username,ou=users,dc=yourdomain,dc=com'

[root@proxy ~]# /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_group -b "dc=yourdomain,dc=com" -f "(&(cn=%g)(memberUid=%u))" -h
username group

Friday 23 May 2014

How to install WEBMIN in ubintu 12.4 LTS

Prior to installing Webmin we need to install a few pre-requisites. Type the following command below to install the required modules:

# sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl libauthen-pam-perl libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions libapt-pkg-perl -y
cd /root
dpkg -i webmin_1.630_all.deb
Webmin install complete. You can now login to
as root with your root password, or as any user who can use sudo
to run commands as root.

Logging In

You are now ready to log into your Webmin console. To do this point your web browser to where you will be prompted with a login screen (be sure to change to your server's IP). On your first login use the username root and type in your root password.

UBUNTU open office installation

sudo apt-get purge libreoffice*
sudo apt-get -f remove libreoffice-common
Next, download the archive of debs from the site:
  cd Downloads
  tar -xvf Apache*
  cd en-US/DEBS/
Install the software:
  sudo dpkg -i *deb
Then the desktop integration:
  cd desktop-integration
  sudo dpkg -i *deb

Now you should have Apache OpenOffice in your standard LXDE/KDE/Gnome/Unity/etc launch menu

Wednesday 21 May 2014

How to Install SPARK Instant Messenger in Ubuntu & CentOS6

# yum install unixODBC.i686 alsa-lib.i686 libX11.i686 libXau.i686 \
libXext.i686 libXi.i686 libXp.i686 libXtst.i686 libxcb.i686

# rpm -Uvh --nodeps spark-2.6.3.rpm

$ spark : The "Spark GUI" will open.